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Sunday, July 18, 2010


    ...And when the little girl heard those living words (Talitha Cumi~little girl arise) as they traveled through the bolted doors and bounced off the walls of her tomb, she removed the clothes that she was buried in and began to rise...and as she rose, she took a deep breathe, and as she exhaled, she cleared her mind and heart and began feeling around for a stable place...As she placed her hands on the wall she swung her legs around and jumped down.  When she jumped she fell to her knees and was humbled when she opened her eyes to find, new clothes, a crown and silver wings resting upon the clouds that made the rain, the day she was buried.  As she began to lift her head she began to hummm a sweet tune that she heard the angels sing that watched over her during the cold nights.                                                               Once she realized that she was no longer bound to her tomb, she received the voice of the Creator who remembered that she washed his feet with her hair and tears, and the oil that she shared in her alabaster box was done willingly and with good intention.  He spoke a blessing over her and Declared her Loosed and Set Free.  He then Commanded her to release the Past and take up her Cross and Walk, because she was now strong enough to carry it...And she Began to Walk...
To anyone who has ever felt like life has been growing the most bitter lemons, just to throw them at you. For the mindful that have lost their minds as they traveled down roads they didn't understand, and those that have lost themselves when gambling with fear. To those that lock themselves in prisons recruiting others to help you stay in.  To the brokenhearted, hopeless, thirsty, hungry, every mountain climber, life changer, gifted being, Beacon of light, intercessor, nurturer and human being that knows everything will be alright, but gets tired in the middle of the race and falls on the way side only to become a carrier of water bottles. May you Be Thoroughly Encouraged, Chased by Completion, Filled with Joy and may Hope run through your veins.
Living Testimony
BE1!~Go deeper, get better, don't be ashamed or embarrassed about what life hands you, but have Pride in what you do with what you get...Sharing your life with others can sometimes not only be the most difficult thing, but at times the most freeing thing that you could ever do.  A testimony is never just for you, because within the minutes, hours and days that you are going through whatever is happening in your life, there are others that are experiencing the same.                                                                                                                                                                                   To be an open book is hard because when you speak of your experiences you are sometimes reminded of where you've been and whats happened in your life, but on the other hand it shows your resilience to make it and live.  Don't be ashamed of what you go through or what you share, because as you grow and succeed, the outcome is a blessing all the more, because you made it.  
Life is filled with great times and those that you wish you could forget, time is stolen and given back within a powerful measure of good experiences. You may struggle to give up, and you may fight to stay in the game, you may even want to stand still and get the heck out of dodge, but your spirit says rise but you just don't know how...But think of it this way, even though you might not feel like it, you are stronger because you are still living.
UP                                                                                                        Sometimes when you feel like your life is stagnant and under construction...don't be dismayed, because you're actually just Under Progress, and as long as you understand that you have to dig to build a good foundation, you'll be just fine...                                                                                              
My Garden
The morning is an interesting time in life when the sun prepares to rise and the moon finishes its business. Because of my patterns of sleep often times I have the opportunity to watch the transitions between them both;  However, today's movement released my attention, that had been caught some time ago.  I walked into my garden that I tried to plant over 6 months ago (I'm no gardener, by any means) and was amazed.  Since planting the seeds, there had been some terrible rains and heavy winds that had shaken the soil up a little bit, in which I had to reposition my beloved flowers and herbs.  I had some great plans for them with my crystal vases and healthy dishes I wanted to cook, but it just seemed like the storms wouldn't cease and time was ticking.

I had become discouraged doing all the right things and talking to the soil.  I had stopped watering that darn thing because everything that grew began to fall and the dandelions that grew like crazy changed and withered away.  Just when I decided to cover my little 10x10 patch of earth, with a rock garden,  I saw the most beautiful flower beginning to grow (its almost like it grew for me while I was standing there).  Needless to say life was calling my name, and I turned to answer and when I turned around, I found 6 more flowers in my garden.  I will forever value the joy of that moment.

Just Breathe                                                                                         Like a fish out of water gasping for air, I ran to my dwelling place to get the sweetest drink of nectar that I had put in the freezer before I left, only to find enough to wet my pallet. I made sure that I finished sweeping up the broken pieces that for some reason seemed to multiply, I had every intention on cooking and doing my normal routine after my walk and run but, I found every white sheet that I could and began covering my furniture, mirrors and windows...I packed my suitcase, braided my hair, dressed in white and turned off the lights and closed the door.

I jumped in my car and began driving.. I traveled to a PLACE, where words, lessons and wisdom sat upon the crest of the moon and became a sweet CYMPHONI that pulled everything out of spirit (as if I was on dialysis and my blood was being cleansed). Oh what a site to see this was, Oh what a moment to treasure this would become (because everything that I have learned up to this point would not act as a sort of a GPS, if you will) the winding road, the color of the sky, the hue of change and the movement of an impossible thing...

 Once I reached my destination, I danced in the rain, drenched by the quiet and gentle storm that hid within the drops...and I didn't want to close my eyes or rest, because I didn't want to miss a thing, and it was good for me...
"...Sometimes when you don't think that you can be surprised anymore than you've been, or amazed beyond what you think could ever happen, or have the will, strength, vision and hope to last, surviving within the seconds of experiences that yield to the tumultuous storms of life...You can and will surprise yourself and that is definitely a good thing" YMC

"...Its interesting what happens in between the moments of deep thought, unspeakable passion, building of beautiful dreams and believing in great ideas.  The spaces between are where you'll find those pieces of yourself that you've lost, given up, sacrificed or were too broken to fix. Sometimes its not what you do, say, feel or think, but more so how you do these things...

"When you're down and dream of getting up, look up, because the more of your hope that you give away, the least likely you are to be able to raise yourself, when your life depends on it."  YMC
Inside this day, I've had some experiences, heard some words, felt some emotions,
understood some interesting things, I prayed and danced alot, I thought of things that kept me up at night, spoke of things I vowed never to mention, had a good and heavy cry, laughed hysterically, smiled beautifully, rejoiced thoroughly, walked for many miles, and found peace with parting with my many stolen joys...
I stopped keeping track of missed days of happiness, and I stopped searching for answers that laughed and hid from me as they ran, because they wanted to be found...
And for a minute I can admit that I chased them, partly because I wanted to know and didn't understand, but in the end I just wanted to offer them a blanket so that they wouldn't freeze to death ...
...I picked up broken and confused chips that were too stubborn to fall according to God's will and placed them in a place where they could breathe.  When I faced ME in the mirror, I bowed out of respect because of who I was becoming. I held my chest, put on my best suit and most comfortable heels,
 and took my sledge hammer and began tearing down the wall that I so easily have gravitated to when life's heaviness began to weigh on my soul...Although it was the most beautiful wall that you would have ever seen it was killing me softly and I didn't know it.
I parked my special train today and rode my white horse and decided to remove the headstone from things that I buried, so that I could no longer find them to dig them up, because I've already laid them to rest and since they've found peace so should I...
I am paying myself in full today, so that I no longer owe it to myself to Go Higher, Get Better, Step out on Faith, Smile, Be Happy and Soar...
In my Heart
With the Power Invested in Me
I speak that you shall live and you shall not die
You shall be the head and not the tail
There is Power in Words;
Therefore, I Speak Forth a New Spirit of Healthy & Relevant PHREEDOM,
to Grow out of the Foundation that you've been desiring but too afraid to Activate it. 
 I Send forth the Most Powerful Yet, Wave of Positive Energy & Encouragement directly to the Hearts and Minds of All who will receive it.  I intercede for all who want and think to pray but can't
May your words and actions coincide and May you Walk with Courage, Authority and Confidence in ALL things, I pray that you change your mind and no longer feast on the vine of procrastination, are made whole, healed and mended. 
I pray that you see possibilities where there are none, doors opened where they've been closed,  ... Know that You are Beautiful, Chosen, Important, Gifted & Needed.  I pray that you are Blessed, on top and have all things under your feet.
"For Life, For Love, For Wisdom, For Peace, For Laughter, For Joy, For Solitude, For Tranquility,
 For More, For Better, For Greater, For Time, For Transitions, For Storms, For Gains, For Lessons,
For Mercy, For Grace, For Strength, For Power, For all that I AM, For all the I Know, For all that I See, For What I've Been Through, For How I've Gotten Through, For For What I've Learned, For What I want, For what I need, For what I Desire, For All that I Shall Become...

"For every descriptive word that has grown in my spirit, for creation's most beautiful treasures, and for every experience that has crossed my path and taught me how to remove Platinum Shackles and freed me from glass prisons, and for every phrase that has dressed my soul as I grew, and every sense that has been stimulated by the birth of hope...I am humbled by the opportunity to discover their origins and humbled by the ability to have lived long enough to be able to speak of them." YMC

My Dearest PHAMLI,.
  This piece is comprised of so many pieces that just continue to pour out of my heart in this season.  I have so much to share in this space, but understand that, that is what books are for and I have alot of work to do. :).  In order to live outside of the tombs in our lives that either have been created by others or ourselves, we have to first know that we are ALIVE!  You have to be open to hear, see and receive the voice of Hope, and trust that you won't fall if walking on water is what you have to do sometimes. 

I know that I talk a good game, with the best intention of course, because all that I want to do is be a blessing;  However, what I have discovered is a new way to approach what I say and how I follow suit to do...What I hope that you receive from this piece, is the sense that no matter what you go through and how you feel about yourself while you're going through it, its never about you.  Sometimes what you learn in the tribulations of life will teach you how to continue to live, grow and prosper until you leave this beautiful place. 

As for me, I heard the voice telling me to rise, but didn't necessarily feel like getting up right away to get off where I was buried, because I kept getting infected and affected by the things that were made to keep me company and would sometimes crawl in my tomb and ended up falling asleep. (Get that somebody)  I'm happy to be an imperfect work in progress, because that means that I have the opportunity to flourish in every area of my being. 

And since it takes a village to raise a queen, I must say thank you to God for being so amazing and loving me still, and to the Love of My Life for being wonderful, wanting the best for me, believing in me and being right there in my corner, loving you has truly changed me, to Judah for loving mommy all the time, to mommie doc and battleship for raising me to always desire more and better, to my family for being special, to my friends for calling me special, to my anyone who has added to my life~Thank You, To PHAMLI for supporting my work and keeping it positive.  I appreciate you

Until Next Time
Be Blessed


Yahminah McIntosh

Yahminah Mcintosh Copyright 2010

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!