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Sunday, February 14, 2010


I opened my eyes on a new morning
and realized that I'd never seen the Sunrise like this
I skipped through a field filled with the most beautiful roses grown on the Bridges of Heaven's county, placed in my way before I began to dream
I changed my mind today about
how I looked at Love
and what I expected from it
I heard love Blooming in Phorbidden Phields that
have favored my words for entry
I changed my heart in the midst of
character building moments that challenged me to
open up and receive that of which I've been sharing all along
and realized that it wasn't wrong but the timing in its own right
was mating with destiny
for the first time in my life, I truly smiled not because of the glamor of what has been done for me
but the priceless treasures in the little things
that I now happily accept and receive
all around me sways peacefully to the rhythm that my excited heart shares
the birds, the wind, the trees, the rocks that fall down the hills that lead to my castle
I've found a peculiar optimism buried within the trenches of my liquored tears
and I'm renewed, and fashioned WHOLE again
I closed my eyes today, while sitting beside Growing PHRUIT
and am resting, enjoying and looking forward to the sun's
Phortunate return...
Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

PHUNNY Valentine
...The last balloon has been released and the teddy bears have found their rightful place upon the bed in between the two pillows that dress its crown! Some of us are starting to pick up the rose petals thrown from the night before (or morning) and cleaning up the wax that spilled throughout the night or day...Whatever your exploits, the essence of Valentine's Day lingers through your memories of days past and those to come, hopefully giving you both something wonderful to look forward to next year!

Although I believe that we should create special and monumental times with our partners, I am not a fan of waiting long periods of time to do so. I believe that Valentine's Day and Sweetest Day are not the only times of the year when we can make efforts to express our affections, spend QUALITY time together or experience romantic moments. GOT NO TIME FOR THAT! EVERYDAY SHOULD BE MADE SPECIAL!

Personal Celebrations
Who doesn't like to celebrate designated Holidays! If your partner is special to you on these Holidays, then I am sure that they are the rest of the year as well. No matter what you may go through TOGETHER, sometimes you will find that taking time out of your LIFE, Your Day and your own enjoyment, to show them that you care, CAN ACTUALLY MEND WOUNDS AND START A HEALING THAT ONLY THE TWO OF YOU CAN PARTAKE IN. Through your enjoyment of the PHRUITS that your togetherness PRODUCES you will find new strengths on new levels, and that, my SWEET PHAMLI is priceless!

I believe that whether its twice a year or four times a year, there's never enough that can be done to Celebrate YOUR partner. Whether its a simple or complex gesture, just do it, because that is what makes your specific relationSHIP special! Give them something to think about and put a little something on their minds that makes them smile or blush. Remember its the simple things and a little effort can go A LONG WAY!

Remember - doing the things that your special one desires, takes nothing away from you. It actually adds to you, because that is one more attribute and characteristic that will keep you on their good side! SMILE

I believe the reason why so many people get into relationSHIP funks, is because they are LAZY! That's right, I said it. I believe that we have to be motivated to do more in our relationsSHIPS, especially if you want them to work. It's important to be mindful of the other person, to plan quality time (yes in the hustle and bustle of this bad economy) and it's important to always make a note to let your special person know that they are exactly that, SPECIAL! Just because you don't feel like saying the things that YOU KNOW THEY LIKE TO HEAR, or do the things THAT THEY ENJOY, doesn't mean that they don't REQUIRE IT.

Give it Up, Don't Give Up

Sometimes, you just HAVE to put the okey doke down and do something different! In my opinion there should never be a day that goes by that your partner doesn't know at least how you feel or receive SOMETHING from you (like: a hug, kiss, card, term of endearment, wink, poem, letter, note, phone call, email, gift, touch, quality time, dinner, lunch, breakfast, intimacy, voice mail, etc...).Now, if your first thought is, "Hey I can't do all of that or I don't have the time". It's okay, but at least PICK 1. GOODNESS! (SMILE)

Although people can be complex and often times difficult to please, THEY WILL RESPOND TO CONSISTENCY!! Sometimes when going through a rough patch in a relationSHIP its difficult to continue doing something sweet that you've always done because YOU'VE BEEN HURT; However, THAT MIGHT BE THE ONLY THING THAT Brings Forth The NEWNESS OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP.

Envy Not

Now we all know how easy it is to become envious of someone else's relationship, especially when yours is lacking in a certain area, right? I believe when two people are intentional about pleasing one another in ways that they've learned that the other ENJOYS, it WILL MAKE FOR A BEAUTIFUL PARTNERSHIP/RELATIONSHIP! Your partner's conversation should not be dominated with the continuous mention of what someone else's partner did for their special one, but appreciation of all that you've done and efforts you've made. FYI, if they don't have anything to say, then maybe you need to give them something to talk about.

I believe that If you lift up your partner,

you will draw all of your desires to you and your needs will be met!

Communication Is Key

Remember, communication is key and asking your partner what they want and desire is essential to the healthy foundation in which your relationsSHIP is built. Your partner might just adore the way you recite poetry; but if you break out in song all the time and they don't respond, you can't be upset, because you didn't pay attention to what they desired. I suggest opening up the lines of communication, and expressing freely. Be open to speak your mind and the more you talk, the easier dissolving inhibitions will be. Set goals together, and one of them being, getting to a place in your relationSHIP where you can LEARN one another without holding back. Always, ask questions and never finish sentences when it comes to listening to your partner's needs, because assumptions can make you miss the best part of learning your special one's uniqueness. Plant greener grass WHERE YOU ARE, Remember that weeds that you see from afar, can appear green as well.

About Last Night
One of the awesome things about having someone special in your life, with whom you can enjoy the PHRUITS of a RelationSHIP with, is that you don't have to be limited in what it is that you can do!!!!!!!! UMUMUM (ohkay!)

Whether its traveling, dreaming, partying, laughing, discussing your future, or whatever you desire, it can be wonderful.

I believe you should ENJOY one another, HAVE A BALL! Set Goals, Make Plans, Dream, Go for long drives, Dedicate Songs to One another, etc...! Remember You Must Be Proactive, Innovative and Out the box, when it comes to pleasing your mate.

In today's society with the economy's current state and our schedules being so busy, often times our mates fill a line in our appointment books, this is not good! They shouldn't be just scheduled in, but made apart and be treated with care and intention. Plan for their voice to be the last one you hear in the evening before you rest, and the first one in the morning after waking (if you can) because there ain't nothing like feeling special. Remember, everyone is different and just because you don't need something or something is not important to you doesn't mean that your partner doesn't need it. That's what healthy sacrifice and compromise is about. Learn it, Live it Use It.

LOVE no Limit
Often times I believe we get caught up in reminiscing about things as if we can't do them again. Like magical nights, phenomenal conversations, sweet dances, good dinners or really awesome dates. Sometimes couple's get stuck inside the box and are afraid to try something different. DON'T BE AFRAID TO STEP OUT THE BOX AND ENJOY ONE ANOTHER.

Remember doing things Just Because, are alright, its a beautiful thing when you just want to bless your partner with a token of your love, appreciation or thoughts. There are so many people in this world who look for love and use its undisciplined affections as rebounds or quick fixes. I believe that having something that you can build upon and enjoy with another willing human being is AMAZING!

The Sweet Test

Ok, now we understand that we are not limited to celebrating and thoroughly enjoying our partners, on designated holidays. I believe that there should be at least two days out of a month set aside for you and your sweetie to do something special, have a date night and enjoy one another without interruptions (work, kids, etc...) Make plans for just the two of you, whether its a romantic dinner, a night out on the town, a beautiful night at home a rendezvous somewhere special, watching a movie together, etc.. Make memories LAST!

If you know that you partner likes to be romanced, then do it and do it well, Goshdarnit!! If you know your partner desires you to role play, then guess who needs to learn something new! How about a simple request to wear something, don't be stubborn and compromise, they are the only ones that will see you in it. How about if they love the sound of your voice, or accent, you need to be working on a lyrical serenade! OHHKAYY!!!

Whatever YOUR partner's thing is, you should have a PHD in it!

My Dearest PHAMLI,

This was a beautiful week! I tell You, because I've learned how to receive good things in its due time. I had a free moment between pieces and wanted to share this piece. I completely support the desires of others to maintain strong and healthy relationships and believe that sometimes we have to see ourselves higher than where and what we are in order to reach even the goals and desires that we for our relationships. It is my prayer that you find new and exciting ways to get up and NURTURE your relationSHIP and find the beauty in the origin or your union.

If you have ever found yourself in a position in your relationSHIP where you've noticed that your good intentions were pleasing to you only, PLEASE CHANGE THEM QUICKLY! Remember, envy of outside relationSHIPS has no place within your relationSHIP, and when you enter into a PartnerSHIP with another person, your job is to please them as their job is to please you - REMEMBER THIS!

I challenge you to have, an Easy Conversation with you partner, and ask them, "WHAT CAN I DO TO PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE?" Remember we all react to things differently, but hear them all the same! Plan an evening or two or three with them and enjoy them, have fun, smile often and kiss much, and whatever you do KEEP GROWING AND ENJOYING LIFE TOGETHER! Until Next Time

Be Well



an excerpt from


A margin call for encountered eyes

what you see through me

I enjoy anxiously

Floating while reminiscing

as Love's fate begins fixing

the pain caused by destiny's vixen

causing granted wishes on the run to listen

giving Remixed invitations

warming fresh innovations

a thousand roses for your thoughts

tic toc time indebted to our wants

as fantasies confirm reservations

touching where winds won't blow

rhythmic movement of our souls

healing wounds we can't show

flying through moon clouds real slow

to crazy feelings locked by HOPE

butterflies rest between our toes

made sane by our connection

we've grown complete and now whole

if we stop now,

we'd lose the fruit of what we've invested

crowned heads you and I

I follow you, closing my eyes

your lead I must know

quieting my storm as you flow

as we travel through Love's station

the sweat of life's clothes your face and

we enjoy the inside of passion

bodies overreacting...

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!