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Friday, October 16, 2009

The Healthy PHAMLI - Breast Cancer

Introducing Breast Cancer
The most common form of cancer (excluding skin cancers), accounting for nearly one of out of every three forms of cancer diagnosed in women in America, and the second most common cause of cancer death in women in the U.S..

It is a malignant tumor, which is a group of cancer cells that invade surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body, that starts from cells of the breast. This disease occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get it, too and accounts for about 1% of all cancer deaths in men.

Heightened awareness of breast cancer risk in the past decades has led to an increase in the number of women undergoing mammography for screening, leading to detection of cancers in earlier stages and a resultant improvement in survival rates. Still, breast cancer is the most common cause of death in women between the ages of 40 and 55.

The Sh'Enemy
Many of us go through life when we hear or see women that have cancer, saying "I'm so glad its not me". This is a natural reaction; However, if we would pay more attention to our bodies, do self-examinations at home and stay up to date with visits to our internal medicine doctors or gynecologists, we would find less of us crossing over to the other side of that population.

This is one of those pesky cancers that can lay dormant for some time and go unnoticed, often times until it has gotten serious and began to spread to other parts of the body. It is important that we make conscious efforts to take care of ourselves, and not neglect the lumps or discomforts that we feel.

While the majority of new breast cancers are diagnosed as a result of an abnormality seen on a mammogram, a lump or change in consistency of the breast tissue can also be a warning sign of the disease.
Early detection is important and familiarizing yourself with how your breasts normally look and feel along with examining them at least once a month is a good way to find a breast cancer early, when its most likely to be cured. Although, not every cancer can be found this way, it is still a critical step you can and should take for yourself and the only way you will be able to tell if something unusual has occurred.

Examine yourself several days after your period ends, when your breasts are least likely to be swollen and tender. If you are no longer having periods, choose a day that's easy to remember, such as the first or last day of the month. Don't panic if you think you feel a lump. Most women have some lumps or lumpy areas in their breasts all the time. Eight out of ten breast lumps that are removed are benign, non-cancerous. Studies show that regular breast self-exams, combined with an annual exam by a doctor, improves the chances of detecting cancer early and reducing your risk.

When it comes to breast cancer prevention, the risks you can't control — such as your age and genetic makeup — may loom large. But there are some breast cancer prevention steps you can always take on your own. Although these measures provide no guarantee that you won't develop the disease, they'll give you a start toward breast cancer prevention.

I believe that many of us dismiss the studies done by renowned scientist in regards to the components of prevention and cause when it comes to major illnesses. In today's day and age, with life being hard enough and the economy being as it is, it has become harder to take time out for ourselves, get proper rest and eat healthier. What we don't realize is that each day we use products that contain chemicals untested for impacts on human health and the environment. Even though we have the power to send a clear message to companies that we want safe products, who really has time to fight that battle?

One thi
ng that is for sure, is that we as concerned individuals, need to be aware of and focus on the potential impacts of toxic chemicals on breast cancer; however, reducing human exposure will also keep these chemicals out of our air, waterways, soils and ice caps to reduce exposure for all animals, including humans.

The combination of Healthy Eating, Regular Exercise, Limiting Alcohol, Maintaining a Healthy Weight, Limiting Fat, limiting your exposure to pesticides and consumption of antibiotics and substances that promote disease will benefit you even more. Always keep in the back of your mind the counterbalancing effect that the opposite of the above will have on your efforts at breast cancer prevention.

The Generational Curse: YOU ARE AT RISK
Did you know that about 5 to 10 percent of all female breast cancer cases are hereditary. Most occur as the result of an inherited alteration in a gene. This means that the individual has inherited an increased likelihood for developing breast cancer. In most families with this inherited alteration in a gene several individuals will be affected with cancer, often at young ages. Some women are predisposed to breast cancer because they are born with a mutation in one copy of particular genes that have normal functions within cells that act as caretakers that repair damaged DNA.

It's important to know if there is anyone in your family that has ever been diagnosed with cancer and if so, what kind. Never give it a second thought and never procrastinate when it comes to your health. You don't want to be diagnosed with asthma and find out three months later that you have stage 4 breast cancer and there is nothing that can be done. Always pay attention to your doctors and do your own extensive research.

My Dearest PHAMLI,
As always don't ever settle for the final word from any physician. Yes I believe in listening to what your doctors say; However, if you are ever given a diagnosis that is unfavorable always get a second opinion and begin treatment immediately. There are many treatments now available that weren't years ago, many with less invasive results. I believe that prayer helps in all areas of life. Don't wait until you are sick or have bad news to get in a word with the Lord. Your health is important, today, just as it was yesterday, and God willing tomorrow.
Take care of the Girls!

Take care of your health and make time, to take time to take care of you!

an Excerpt from
Gone with the Wind
...She used to smoke a pack a day it seemed
and she would argue about the silliest things,
she was a pessimistic queen
but journeyed her way to Grace
feeling good about the worst of things
We shared the same mommy, cause
daddy stepped out in 73 and then after the 4
prematurely there was me. Life was good as I knew it
was always told to bite on the silver spoon
but couldn't do it
and alot I didn't understand, like who was the man,
who eventually would be the one to carry the blame of my favorite's
embrace of a simple addiction
because of life's afflictions
and was too busy to deal with them
but that cough I heard, before we got off
sounded like it hurt
and the more she laughed
it seemed like it took work
I was worried out of my mind
and she said she'd get it checked out
in time
but I knew it wasn't fine
and knew it was about to bubble over
worst than mine
but I became an emotional mime
and as asthma took its diagnosis
two weeks later, OOPS
death was the prognosis
said she could do it in six
but she gave it up in less than
half, oh how I miss...

Yahminah Mcintosh Copyright 2008

an Excerpt from
...It's an old deadly rebellious something
and doesn't discriminate by color or age
and can dance around
an ultra sound
and hide until defined by stage
and what it kills
it steels in time
and discourages the faith of the redirected mind
I know it well twice it WAS mine
and in my generation of curses
within their lost tombs you will find
the buried and gone
winners of a fight lost but strong
Woe is not she, and asks not for pity, and
not sympathy but demands only that found
in that cure that we need
Too early, is this
fallen leaf from the sybaris
seeds have no fertile earth to resume
and water's gone through the ringer
of Resistance
and happiness has no choice but to bloom
because the next breath says you're
in the clear, and the next is ridden with fear
I'm so grateful for being a survivor
and oh how sweet that sounds
when sometimes being alive hurts
and before it gets better
sometimes you see the worst
like loss of hair, weak bones
and irritating mouth sores
and those infections with lessons
that you get from medicines with good intentions
and the cold sweats and sleepless nights
with mares on your mind, from unintentional highs
and the lows that you see, and no tears when you cry
and YOUR hopephul conversations
you have with docs, in which they seem to have for play...

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2008
an Excerpt from
...If you're reading this
than you're blessed
and have a lot of life left
waste no time on regrets
and set goals high, because time
has nothing to do with how you CAN ACCOMPLISH THEM
don't cry over milk when its spoiled and value your days
pay no attention to the negativity that wanders near
and have no patience for the intentional strange
stop complaining and smell the roses while you can
and wear your good shoes to walk through the doors of your proudest moments
and be not controlled by the societal scams
kiss your loved ones, and make sure they know you love them
and be that each one that teaches one to
move mountains with hope
and give not the opportunity of depression any rope
raise your head high, even when you cry
and clap when you hear tunes that remind you of the good times
respond positive when asked how you are, you're not just hanging in there
you're alive and kicking by far
Strive for your personal best in every moment
praise when you wake, and pray when you sleep
because as sure as you request for Him to watch over you
your soul is always His to keep
and if you find your mind losing its bearing
stand up and shake it off, cause giving up is scary
and chuckle all day if you want to, and smile big and blush if it
is something you want to do
because how it ends is up to you
because this one and only LIFE, belongs to you ...
Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2008

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!