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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

PHOCUS PHACTOR - The Eccentric 1

Dream Big!

Yes, many of us can sit for hours and hours on end, thinking of things we would like to do and accomplish. Most times this is outside of the things that we are already doing. I remember looking out of our front window when I was younger, looking across the lane at our neighbors loading up their Crown Victoria , (they always went out of town in the summer to Savannah, GA which was several hours away with four children). It seemed like they had coolers and coolers full of food, because stopping along the road was too expensive.

I would always say to myself, "When I get older and travel I want to have a comfortable van with an a-track and big ole' tv set in the back"! It seems as though even then I was always thinking in "upgrades", for some odd reason.

Like when I was in fifth grade and would finish my homework (usually quicker than most of the other students), I would ask my spelling teacher if it was okay to hand out quizzes to my classmates, to ask them questions about how much homework they do, what they do at home after school, if they like the new school additions, what subjects they like, clothes so on and so forth. She thought it was hilarious but I was serious.

From my questionnaires I was able to have after school meetings in the gym with the 4, 5, 6 and 7th graders and we would dance, sing, organize bake sales. I tell you being nominated class president before leaving would have been the highlight of my life, but life called.

The Excitement
As I grew older, I began to notice that I would ALWAYS look for the unique and unconventional in every situation. Whether it be in writing papers (I would always approach it from an uncommon perspective) or dressing (when I wasn't in our traditional habiliment) I was always partial to business attire even as a young one, I was always considered peculiar and would tell everyone that I would change the world when I grew up!

I didn't know how I would do it, but all that I knew was that I looked at most things as if there was a better version of it. To tell you the truth I get excited about the simplest things, like brand new cold sheets, or the smell of Downy in my Car! I actually cut a step when I design a new page for PHAMLI, because I love color and change! I can't stand for things to stay the same within reason
off course.

Even now, mostly everything that I look at or think about, I almost always have a different interpretation of it, or think about how I can go about improving the function of things. I don't do this because its not good enough, but because I get excited about change! It can be changing the color of my bathroom every couple of months, changing furniture around, learning a new language, eating at the same restaurant and trying something completely different, you name it I will probably be thinking of a way to change that moment, for me at least.

Now, knowing this about myself, I began to realize that I get bored quick and instead of making a mess of important things in my life, I've learned to find the newness in almost everything. Now, honestly if I am unable to recreate a "regenerated" version of whatever I have become satisfied with, I will work my darnedest to find a way to not become complacent, because this is something that I HATE.

I attribute my ability to keep my area of function and effort in a relationSHIP new to my desire to feel that subconscious buzz. I believe that anything you put your mind to you can do, so why can't we be happy and positive most of the time, no matter whats going on. I believe that its a matter of perception for most things, and I just choose to perceive the mundane as pressing indicators that something fresh needs to take place.

Just my Imagination. . .
Literally running away with me. One thing about me that has never changed was my ability to Dream and utilize my imagination to paint pictures of how I wanted things to be. Being an eccentric visionary has been my intellectual insignia.

Many of us are dreamers and throughout our lives have been called strange or maybe people would say, "oh here comes that one!", because we would ask questions like, "why does the sun set before the moon comes?" or "can you tell me why most bikes are ten speeds? Lol! Often times we are called Savants, braniacs, geniuses, crazy or having ADHD, the last two; However, are used to describe us when people don't understand why we can do things so easily that it is harder for others to do or why we see color WHERE NONE HAS BEEN FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME. Well Who cares what we're called as long as we can hear our own voices and can love our own gifts.

Now with the foundation being laid, lets get down to the nitty gritty!

BREAK IT DOWN andRelease what's Dragging!
Now dreaming, ain't nothing like it, and day dreaming, even better, something nice to fill space and take up time, and yes you can't forget those hobbies that are such fun that we buy tons of supplies for and do research on and find whats left of them that next year sitting in our hallway linen closets. Consistency is the Key to Success in any area of life, and Persistence is essential to the growth needed in order to learn the required undertaking of your function in the advancement of your Purpose. Confidence in your own abilities to finish what you start is essential to achieving any goal (Otherwise, why start if you don't believe that finishing is an option, telling yourself that you just dream well is Ludacris, don't
waste your energy). Resilience is the oscillation of Ambition, for without it you will be ambushed and then defeated, then placed in a box without holes.
Discipline (D.V.A.G.)
Dreams, Visions, Ambitions and Goals are all great and must be safeguarded with a Bona Fide Mission to succeed, and undeniable determination to Subsist. Do you know when a good Idea becomes a member of the of the D.V.A.G family, RIGHT AT THE MOMENT YOU HAVE IT. Don't sit on a good idea and wait for others to showcase your idea, because you will find yourself drowning in a lake of nasty regrets. Why do that to yourself when all you have to do is discipline your self to commit to the development of your own gifts.

Its great having a Beautiful Mind and Gifts, oh how cute that can be, but when they are mastered and properly utilized can be Dynamite. Often times when starting a new project we should focus on finishing that specific project and if it has multiple pieces, organizing your thoughts and pprioritizing will make each portion of your project move smoother and aide you in finishing.

Its no secret that most of us would prefer starting on new things simultaneously and then moving on to the next, the problem is we don't end up finishing the first one we started. That's how you come up with people who are "Jacks of All Trades" and even though that is commendable, how much do they really know how to do well? unless they have mastered all? How about starting with 1 at a time.

I believe that we have the ability to do many things well; but the only way that that is possible is if we finish and master one thing at a time. Its like being in college and trying to have 6 majors and 12 minors, just because and end up failing all or passing with C's on every subject. Really? Or how about budgeting $50 for a grocery run to make lasagna (based on a previous run to the store), and you get there and buy everything but the makings for your meal and get home and have half of what you need for 3 different meals.

Being able to focus is pumping hard through the veins of discipline, staying in your lane, your life, your season and getting where you need and desire to be IN YOUR TIME are all up to YOU. Its like working on strictly commission, you only make your effort brings forth. It's the same in this instance, look at your abilities as Valuable sources of effectiveness and your time as a precious tool. Make a list of your priorities and stick to it, and when you find yourself leaving course, GET IT IN CHECK! It makes no sense to have a thousand brilliant ideas and no FRUIT. Changing your mindset about the consequential lacking of your focus will CHANGE YOUR LIFE and your days will be filled with NURTURING AHA MOMENTS!

Components of Failure

Have you ever felt stuck or, like you were moving in slow motion, unable to get to that next level of accomplishment in your life? There are many things that can distract you, that place barriers between you and your destiny, ultimately leaving you on the side lines waiting to be watered, during the finishing of your own race.

The Matters of the Heart :Often times emotional attachments, no matter on what level can unintentionally monopolize the energies needed to invest into your projects. Most times if not realistically redirected can become hindrances instead of helpers. Yes dear this is what love feels like, but you can't sit in that chair day dreaming about them all day, because love literally doesn't pay the light bills; However, being a Love investor in pursuing your D.V.A.G. can and will! Just as you cater to your partner or can't wait to hear their voice or see them after a long day, you have to INVEST that same exact ENTHUSIASM INTO PHOCUSING ON YOUR D.V.A.G..FYI: If they are the one for you, they will encourage this, and will feel no ill will about the redirection of the appropriate amount of energies that you will put into doing YOU.

If trying to heal from pain, get ready because the worst is yet to come; However, use that feeling to fuel your success. I know its hard but you will congratulate and cheer for yourself when you get through. (I will talk more about this is a later entry)

Misdirection of Energy, Laziness and Procrastination

There is an art to Positive thinking, JUST PHOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS. I'm not suggesting that you become numb to life but BLINK (let it go) when you don't know what to do with whatever it is that may cloud your judgement, is breaking your heart or impairs you from moving forward. YOU CAN BE YOUR GREATEST ALLY OR YOUR WORST ENEMY. Seek the positive in every situation and try your best not to harp on things that don't matter and the things that do will work out in time.

Don't sit on what you know you have to do. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Manage your time, create and keep a schedule. It's only as serious as you make it, and only as important as you allow it to BE.

My Dearest PHAMLI,

I hope that you understand that there are D.V.A.G. that were birthed out of ideas that we all carry sitting inside of our souls, we must get them out. Whether it be education, gifts, parenthood, partnership, arts, on it to the best of your ability. Trust me it will help you to be a more well rounded person, when you learn how to master one thing at a time. I desire for us all to get exactly where we want to be. I believe the everyone needs an accountability partner with whom they can share themselves with. I believe that your partner should be this for you; However, if they are not (I guess that's something you should consider, right!?) please find someone that you can trust that will value you as you do yourself. In the meantime, be good to you, stay PHOCUSED and know that DREAMS, VISIONS, AMBITIONS AND GOALS ARE FOLLOWED BY ACTION. Indeed

Be Well


Yahminah McIntosh

An Excerpt from


I had a dream

that showed everything in the world being fixed

but as I woke, all that I remember was that my feelings were mixed

elated I was, but knew it was a trick

from the enemy because of how excited I get

knowing that meeting a need

in this here coldness of a world that breeds

anger, so that I can manufacture smiles

and deprevation of love, that I may

open these gifts and bare them spread

through my journey of trials

my mouth filled with nothing but childlike laughter

and eyes that twinkle at the site of the bone dry

carrying tissues from heaven, and shovels from

the earth, that I may heal the brokeness of

the history that reigns high...

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2008

Stay tuned for my new Piece, "Starting Over", which is the most honest, candid, expressive piece about where I've been, what I've gone through, How I weathered the Storm, what I've Learned, where I'm going, what project I'm working on and What's to come.

Get Lifted, Be Well & Stay Blessed

Love YMC

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!