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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chapter 7: It is Well

Sweet Spirit
I'm listening to "Beautiful" by Musiq Soulchild and begin twisting my hair as I relax...Last night before I went to sleep, I got out of  bed and walked over to the "Mercy Seat of Grace", kneeled down, bowed my head and had a very real conversation with God.  I love my relationship with Him, because I can be as real, naked and honest as I want to be. 
Like anything else that I'm committed to, my prayer life is extremely important and essential to my everyday living.  Regardless of how good things are or are not, what I do or do not have or what kind of storm is brewing; there's one conversation that I always know that I need to have, and if not with anyone else, it needs to be with the Father!  

Original Poetry
After interceding for those that were placed upon my heart, I told Him about how I was feeling on the inside.  Although He knows, I told Him all the desires of my heart, and I made some very specific requests.  He listens quite well, I might add and I know He loves me, because I wouldn't still be standing if He didn't. My last request to Him was, that once He's done blessing everyone else, that if He didn't mind coming by to bless "Even Me"?
Once I spoke this, my eyes were filled with tears and I was so convicted, and He said, "Yahminah, my child that does everything else with such authority, do you not think that I have enough to bless you?"  He then spoke something so simple but real and said, "Just because perfection doesn't flow between the bricks on the road of your journey, doesn't mean that your blessings are not in the midst."  WOW, sounds like something that I would say, lol.

The more He began to speak to my heart, the lighter I felt and His embrace moved me into a different place. It was like He reached down and took a piece of me away, that I should no longer have been trying to use anyway.  (I liken this feeling, to the removal of a limb that you don't need, that has caused you difficulty, but is fully functional) Get that somebody!

His words...His phenomenal words covered me like a heavy blanket straight out of the dryer!  And everything at that moment was a promise.  The moments were full, I was increased and edified by His charge and made proud to have gone to the throne.

When our conversation was over, I stood up and looked at the moon for a little bit, wrote my usual nightly entry and listened to the Thunder, laid down, got comfortable, smiled and closed my eyes to the night...

I am that I am. Although I'm a woman of many words, they are never empty and my intentions are always good and full, but I wasn't born that way.  I'm not a religious person, but my relationship with God and prayer life are extremely important to me. What I've become as a person, has everything to do with how I have allowed my circumstances, situations and experiences to shape and mold me.  The more I grew, the more I learned how to deal and cope, understand and rectify, adapt and mature and continue to live. I discovered that it's alright to feel strong, deep and passionate about what speaks to your soul.  I've learned how to stop running from commitment and stay still long enough to see the manifestation of my efforts, and be consistent.  I've chosen words over many things to be my main course and I'm satisfied with their fruit.  Today, as I move through my life, it's my goal to flourish and prosper in everything that I do, and yes change the world one heart and mind at a time ;)!  My goal is to continue to grow into the woman that God wants me to be, do the things that He wants me to do and acquire the blessings (in the spirit and natural) that He wants me to have.  
I'm so glad that He's not through with me yet!

There's something so awesome about finally seeing what God sees when He looks at you...Your past is not Green to Him, and what your mistakes mean to others, they don't mean the same to Him. Forgiveness becomes your Justice, Wisdom, your tool to navigate through life and Love, your gift to make all things right. Your beauty is unmatched, because not only is there none like you, but you realize that you were carefully and wonderfully made, with the best intention and specifications.  There is no broken mold, that you have to worry about someone trying to piece together, and you discover that each and everything that He has for you, is for you.

You learn to move gracefully with the rhythm of your beating heart, and you begin to see new purpose in your existence.  You feel your reason for being created and it's mandate begins to flow through your veins.  Oh how sweet it is, to know that just when you close your eyes, because life's glare has started to blind you, God will grant you the most beautiful, powerful, natural, pure and wonderful thing, that will overtake you.  Yes it will overtake you, and fill your mouth with laughter and when you wake up and open your eyes, you will feel so so much Joy. 

I'm grateful to the Creator for allowing me to go through what I had to and allowing me to be crushed and crystallized by life, so that I wouldn't be labeled, "Damaged Goods" but a DIAMOND.  I'm glad that He saw fit, for me to be called a DIAMOND.  Indeed

My Dearest PHAMLI,
I pray that there is something within this entry that has blessed you.  I realized that in order to be something, you have to go through something, and in order to sharpen another, you have to first been sharpened.  Sometimes we forget that in order to soar, we have to step back to gain our momentum and focus on the greater good.   The truth is that there is no way, that you can get to see the better days, unless you are willing to make it through the night and embrace the virtue of patience.

There are some very real things that take place in your life when you choose to get up dust yourself off, wipe your eyes and fight. You might get a bruise or two, but as long as you have Victory in your heart, you will never lose and that's real. Whether or not your are able to taste a victory or blessing in the midst doesn't mean that there isn't one looming.  Remember to cherish your life, as it is your very special gift.

My wish for you, is that you prosper in all things, and that your lives are full.  I pray a special blessing over your households, finances, children and relationships that they are successful and satisfying all the days of your life.

Until Next Time

Be Well


I Look forward to seeing you, at my upcoming event: 
The Awakening - Wisconsin  
To find out more information or to register please go to...
or call us at 920-78Nujoi(68564)

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!