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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hold On

...The things that we sometimes hear and see in our sleep are clear reflections of what are happening in the present, some of which we know and many of which we don't know; However, many of the dreams that we experience during restless nights are mere deflections of the fears that we hold close to our hearts...YMC Fear not, be patient, aspire to overcome, for all that you now intuitively know, is more than you yourself believed that you could understand before this time. Think positive, be lifted, be uplifted and be encouraged, for in this day, you shall be set free by a much needed peace, indeed.

I opened my eyes, because for some reason this night seemed longer than the last. I just looked over at my favorite alarm clock. and it said 12:43 A.M., and when I closed my eyes and opened them again, the clock said 12:51 a.m.. Wow, time seemed to have slowed down, not that I was in any rush for the morning to come, because no wet eyes here! I got out of bed and tip toed to my computer, I grabbed my remote and turned on my stereo, hit shuffle and and by the luck of the draw, guess what started playing? Jennifer Hudson singing "I've Changed", An interesting choice for this early morning mini retreat. As always, I began analyzing the moment, and allowed my self to enjoy the thought of the fact that I have changed. It was dark and the light of the moon was bouncing off of my tumbler filled with green tea.

An Open Eye
The next song that began to play had me grooving, but in a different way, Wilson Phillips' song Hold On! This is one of the many songs that are near and dear to my heart. I began to assess my recent experiences as well as my writings, and saw the story that I never thought I'd live to tell, begin to take PHORM!. So I thanked God for another moment and began to write!
I am grateful for this "STILLNESS' tonight, because it's mine. I feel most open right now as I think that I am getting through the most difficult stages of this GROWING THING. When the rest of this day unfolds, I am sure that it will be most exciting and interesting. I'm sure I'll greet my loved ones with a Huge Smile, enjoy their presence and go on with my day. Always make sure that the people you love and that love you know how you feel, because if tomorrow never comes, will they ever know?

I must declare that there are just some things that I am finding to be most interesting, like How God is dealing with me, the things that I now see that I never saw, the things that I hear that I never heard, and all that I am becoming, that I never thought I could become. So many cliche's, but they are true. It's like when you have a new born baby and they wake up in the middle of the night, to be held, rocked or to feed on the good sweet breast milk. Anyway, that's just me and my metaphoric analogies!
2nd... Chances
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you wouldn't have...? Well I have, and that's a dangerous place to be, because it's not like we are "Benjamin Button" and we live our lives backwards! We must be intentional about going forward into Good Places, and set our affections on the Greater Good. The way that I resolve my thinking in this area is to think of what I can do differently moving forward. Every area of our lives, can stand to be tweaked and that's the beauty of it all. Remember that you always have a chance to MAKE BETTER CHOICES AND DECISIONS. What I have found is that when you take chances on taking the granted opportunities to Do Better, you miss out of A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME.
Remember, that No matter what you experience, your endurance and resilience is paramount to who you ARE BECOMING.

Blessings to PHAMLI,
This is what was on my heart, early this morning! As always things come to me in pieces, and I'm good with that. I express it, how I see it. I send out prayers and positive vibrations to all who will receive it. Keep your Heads Up, Stay Positive and Keep it Moving. Once you find yourself, never lose yourself. Grab hold to what you know to be beautiful, positive and true and TAKE OWNERSHIP OF IT. I pray for your families, jobs, health and relationships and businesses, that you prosper fully beyond your most wildest dreams. May you experience Good Love and Pure Joy.
Until Next Time
Yahminah McIntosh excerpt from
One day some thing is going to happen in your life that will
tear you up, break you down and make you cry
don't let it hold you down, and waste time chasing your tail,
asking yourself the reason why
Just know that, from this you'll heal and grow
and things will change, and things will go your way
Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It is most interesting how time comes to a close, its always the same routine, morning, afternoon, evening and night. We get up, we work, we get home we go to bed. Well in the course of our routines we have to make a conscious effort to make time to pay attention to ourselves, our loved ones and our lives. Reflection is Key in Survival, because nothing can be accomplished and stick, if you never know what's going on in your life.
The Plan
Take a moment to reflect on your life. Put aside everything else that distracts you from thinking clearly and sit down, relax and write down your goals visions and aspirations that you have. Make them all plain and be realistic about each and every one of them.
This is a personal self evaluation that we all must do, as we take an assessment of ourselves. I believe it will help make clear the direction in our lives that we are going. Create your own personal life plan. If you have a significant other, partner or "SO" share your plan with them and seek to have a fruitful discussion. I believe that we should always be open to share our dreams, goals and aspirations with those that are at our sides, because its important to be on one accord. Remember you can conquer nothing divided but on one accord you can change your world ;).
Make your life plan as simple as you want but completely full of what you desire, don't complicate it with your own insecurities. I don't believe in making New Year Resolutions but New Day Resolutions, because you only own the moments and minutes in time where you stand.
I believe that we all desire to be happy, be filled with joy and problem free; However, the reality of that is, that life is only what you make it, and because we are imperfect people, we will sometimes sow imperfect actions that get not so desirable results. Take time this week to think about where you want to see yourself in 1 year from today and how you will get there. The idea is to always get better and not to regress.
Potential with hard work births Maturity and Fruit. Maturity Births Wisdom, and coupled together they will both have great results.
Think about what areas you need to improve in?
How will you go about improving these areas?
What are your short term goals for the upcoming year?
What will you be more intentional about?
How will you make time to rest your mind?
What distractions will you eliminate and what things do you need to remove out of your life so that you may function more efficiently?
Think about how you can become a better steward of your finances, the material and effectual possessions that you have?
This piece is short but meaningful, and carries a message to all that every day is precious and even though we may encounter things that may hinder growth in areas that we need to grow in, progress does not ever have to be stopped. I pray for freedom of the mind to all and that you all embrace the opportunity to live your fullest life, no matter what you go through, what you've done and what the journey lies ahead looks like. Remember, it ain't over until its over, and when the Fat lady begins to sing, hope
she's on key because her tunes stop nothing!
My Dearest PHAMLI,
As always I encourage you to take time out for YOU today. I can not impress upon you how important every single moment of your life is. Although this thought can be pressure filled it shouldn't, it should be more of an encouragement for us to GET TO WHERE WE NEED TO BE. Live today as if its your last, because no one is ever promised tomorrow. Sow good seeds today in your life in the people that you love, in the universe and all around you and don't be afraid of being your best in this day. Remember that words have wings, and if you believe it, whatever the it is can happen. As many of us are ambitious, driven and hopeful people beginning to look at yourself and fine tuning YOU, is paramount in achieving the great successes that we DESIRE.
Assess your attitude and way of thinking. Are you on a fast track to upward mobility or are you regressing? Growth is Important in your existence and essential to a good and healthy survival in every area of your life. I pray that you are strong enough to look at your life as a blank and exclusive canvas, where only the most cherished colors can be used. My suggestion is to use them, and choose your colors wisely. I wish you well and loads of Prosperity and Joy! I send a wave of Love and Encouragement to all of you TODAY, AND EVERYDAY THAT YOU ARE GRANTED A CHANCE TO BE HERE.
...Miracles are born in an atmosphere of expectancy...YMC
an excerpt

...No matter what you do in this day
may it yield, desired blessings for you
and may the sun shine through your smile
for darkened souls to see, helping them to get through
may everything you touch flourish

and may you prosper beyond your wildest dreams
and respect your human nature
appreciate your precious and gifted moments here
and may you have unspeakable joy
at your driest times, and be replenished by life's streams
focus on good things
and may your heart be granted
it's deserved requests
and may you be at peace
and embrace tranquility as you rest
and may you have provision for your every need

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2009

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!