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Saturday, June 26, 2010

PHILOSOPHY... excerpt from
ZOBEAIT (pronounced so be it)
"For there is no greater feeling than being loved by someone that you love, and being cherished when you have never been, and adored in ways that you have only dreamed, and heard when all your life you've been forced to listen, and taken to places that you've dreamed of and being able to dance and cry tears of joy, no longer alone in the rain and swept off of your feet that have been anchored by the bricks of pain and disappointment again and again, and to no longer be held accountable for the things that you have been forgiven for and grown from.  The truth is that good love is sweet and it is kind and it is GOOD...." YMC (SHUGAH)
The Oaziz Theory
Building a strong and healthy RelationSHIP is not easy, but the rewards are and can be most amazing. In the natural progression of a RelationSHIP there will be bumps that settle in your road paved with dreams, and mountains that seem hard to climb even on your strongest of days. You will also find storms that have strong and peculiar winds that will blow your good intentions right out of your windows.  I believe that anything worth having is worth working for and at.  Do you really think that you can enjoy a cake without putting all of the necessary ingredients in it, not baking it according to directions and serving it to one another without getting sick? You have to check your egos. change the direction of your pride and learn the inner workings of your mate so that you can become a better steward of them.  Anyone who things that roses grow everyday where rocks are thrown, is delusional;  However, it is possible for them to survive when watered on occasion.  The way that you desire to be treated and loved is the way that you should treat and love the person that you call your significant other. 

SELAH (Pause and Calmly Think about that)
What do you do when the Relation in your SHIP is broken? How do you travel to the next Phase if you are having trouble finding a place in which you can meet and be satisfied? What happens when you become frustrated with trying to work on something that you feel you are working on all alone? What do you do when you can't find a common ground of understanding, and every word you speak  comes out wrong or is not received the way you intended? When you are involved in a relation SHIP, how involved do you need to be, in order to get to the place you are comfortable at? What are the pieces and things that bind you and your mate together? Are they things that you are willing to work on and or for? Do you feel that hope has become a fleeting desire?  Do you feel that you can be strong enough to step outside of yourself to love, care about and consider the needs of your mate or would you rather settle for what you consider to be easy?

The Team Challenge
A relation SHIP is a TEAM, made up of two individuals, who have decided to travel down the "Emotional" Highway together. As time goes on, and natural progression begins to settle in, they begin to make decisions to take their relation SHIP to other levels, that are mutually dictated by the two involved. They often are able to get to a place where they make decisions for the betterment of them BOTH, that work for them, not seeking to mimic or imitate any other relation SHIP.

They begin to experience bumps in their road, that are most likely brought on by others, one of them or both of them; And yes then there are those great challenges that they encounter that brings them to a point where they begin to rethink their position in their relation SHIP, and travel to and dissect its core to find out what its really made of. They determine how they move forward, no matter what role if any either of them embraces, they are mindful of one another's needs, desires and concerns. Selfishness has no place, because in the end, it will only temporarily satisfy a void that one thinks that they have, instead of them looking at the whole picture and assess the damage and begin working on the solution. They don't stand still, but move swiftly in their own time TOGETHER!

Talk about it

One of the hardest things to do, is to talk about the problem, especially when you think that there isn't one. No matter what the nature and origin of the issue is, just know that if anything is worth saving, you have to Work it out, Work at it, Repair It, Rebuild it, Resurface it, Plant it, Replant it and Grow it, etc... sometimes you have to get a little dirty and uncomfortable, and in my opinion that is one of the greatest attributes to a long lasting and beautiful relationship...

Open up the positive lines of communication and set out to have an intentional conversation, respect, how one another feels, no matter, how it may sound or come across, trust your partner to be gentle with you in the areas that you need that special care in.

Winners Agree
Its difficult to come up with a game plan to work through difficult things at difficult times, because of the inconspicuous stress and strain that trials can have on a relation SHIP. I find this to be interesting, because when dealing with two individuals at the same time, who are completely different and process information, hurt and circumstances differently, one has to be more open to accept their mate's curves.

I believe that when you make a conscious effort to work through the thickness of your Forest, you will enjoy the flowers that grow in the garden, that are welcoming you on the other side of your trial. Relation SHIPS are about benefits, to one another and yourself, ...

Ask yourself this questions:

Excerpt from "Silent Noise"

...Fear not that elephant knocking
because it stands still,
camouflaging for the enjoyment of some
and exposing the fire of its acting reel
its excruciating sounds of pain, unfound but heard
by those, willing to listen to the directions
on how to get it out of the place where it stirs
closed eyes blurred, loudly counting to 5 without words
and when done, see if those who care to mention,
have been on their q's paying close attention
Flex your muscles of Love's freedom
and open up your lines of communication
make clear your expression
and let how you feel not become an abomination
because when you're waiting
the darkness can grow thick and over take them
time is passing by, so take time, to make time to make sense
because all they knew is that you were, too proud to serenade them...

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

You exchange emotions, through dedicated songs
without knowing if the feelings are mutual
but the need to feel a touch, and hear those words that make you love
get lost in a creation of "Love's ritual"
When your days, start running, one into another
and you become enthralled with their limitations
you separate yourself, as you try to grow closer

and with the time missed and passed you become frustrated
praying, that your bad fades away, and your good is good enough to outweigh it
and that your greatest memories of Love's experiences you had
are strong enough to be recreated
and realistic, views of where you're at
are not too stubborn, to smother hope and overtake it

you whisper positive oxymorons,
filled with emotional rhetoric
as your conversations, grow into discussions, giving birth to arguments
surrounding with the PHEAR, of not knowing if you will make it
not until the next transition in time
but up until the point of where you feel like
you have to PHAKE it

and is the air in the distance between you, clear enough to maintain it
the stakes, they get high
but in the newness of your stages didn't realize
that they would get more complicated with time
but the complexity once again, is only ours to define
and the mere fact that you respect one another, is a sign

that maybe all you need is a sufficient amount of quality time
to fall deep, and get underneath, those places you've worked hard to see,
and come up clean, when you PHIND out what the rhyme is for your reasoning
working through persistent kinks, and appreciating the value of your sacrificial offerings
that you unload to catch your bearings, and make lighter the heart you choose to carry
bringing a brand new understanding to a new beginning
that you accept, when the clock strikes right, because you're tired of spinning
and your mind always knows, how to bring life to your soul
and make new, all that's old, as you claim victory in your heart's chosen battle

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010


My Dearest PHAMLI,
I hope that this piece gives you insight into the many layers of the disparities that REAL Relation SHIPS encounter.  I believe that there are good Relation SHIPS that are in trouble for so many reasons, and can be repaired, rebuilt, redeemed, etc...Sometimes they just lack the tools and mediation that are needed to help them navigate through difficult times.  All of my clients will tell you that I am an Optimistic Realist, and support healthy communication, quiet time and prayer. I love to see two people who love each other, walking life's trail way, TOGETHER, making the "DANG" thing work, tilling GREEN GRASS IN THEIR OWN GARDEN AND BEING WATERED WITH LOVE'S DEW THAT SETTLES AFTER THE RAIN.

I believe that our Relation SHIPS are only as strong as our Toughest Link, and since there are two involved, then the retention in the connection should not be broken.  Remember that sowing patience, positivity, love, etc. into your mate takes nothing away from you.  I believe that within Love's Garden Ego's have no place in the inner court, because there is too much at stake.  Take time to spend time with your special person, have involved and intentional conversations as you work through tough times together.  Let not the sun set on your anger or hurt, and remember that good and true love will never come back to you void. I wish you well, I challenge you to grow, take time to think about your mate and WORK THAT THANG OUT! Remember sometimes its not what you see but how you see it.  I encourage each and every one of you to take time out of your busy lives to make your RelationSHIP Work! 

I am Blessed to be able to Embrace the Healthy practices that I speak of, and although WE are not immune to the Challenges of Life, WE find Beauty in the Ordinary things. I Send a wave of Love and Appreciation to my Significant Other and am glad that you have your shovel and cape out walking through life patiently with me, God Bless You!

Until Next Time
Be Well


Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!