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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

In the Spirit

Written from the Spirit, as raw as the night would allow...
"There are somethings that momma can't make right, daddy can't protect you from, education can't work you through, your status can't make disappear, money can't buy, love can't guard you from, friends can't talk you out of, church can't sing you out of, sunshine can't dry up, tools can't fix, food can't pacify and things can't satisfy...There are just somethings in this life, that you have to work out in the spirit...YMC

...For there will be rumors of a powerful wind, that will bring about change, and that will minister to the hearts of all people.  It will mend, heal, restore, make new, resurrect and transform, the unchangeable...It will speak to the mountains and move them, it will reach into the valleys and retrieve them, it will close the doors of the fiery furnace behind them, so that they will no longer be tempted to burn themselves.  It will change purposes, give meaning, offer hope and rebuke afflictions.  It will protect them and quiet the lions in the den, provide and bring life, to where a drought that has existed and offer their destiny to them, without smoke screens. It will erase old hurt, relieve their bruised shoulders from carrying toxic baggage, and enable them to breathe again. It will...It can...It shall...BE...because its TIME...

The Shift
Lately, I've been feeling a shift in my spirit...something that has happened to me before, but nothing of this magnitude.  It's strange at times, because the more that I grow, the more sensitive to everything and everyone around me I become.  From being able to feel and see things in the spirit before they happen, to knowing what others are thinking, and knowing what someone is going to say before they say it.  To the tremendous unction in my spirit to intercede and send powerful energies to others, to the praise that begins to stir in my soul, before a breakthrough manifests.  Although its somewhat prophetic, the gift I know for sure is growing rapidly, for the edification of the body of Light, and nothing more. 

I only speak what I feel in the spirit to others, when I'm led, because I understand that accountability and responsibility of the words that I speak.  I believe that I increase, if I am able to bless someone else, and the more I die to self and pay attention, the more discerning I become.  I share this selflessly, to sow a seed of obedience into the atmosphere, as my ground is good and I am expecting a Miracle. 

The Awesome Truth
One thing I know about God, is that there is no confusion in him, no vague descriptions or variations of His divine will.  There are no broken promises, no missed attempts to bless us and He can do anything but fail.  He doesn't operate on emotion, He doesn't disappear, He doesn't hide, He will never leave or forsake you, He's always available, doesn't practice exclusivity, He's Everywhere at all times and Loves us ALL.  He's been better to me than I've been to myself, and is always on time and in season. I could sit here and testify over and over again, on how He has come into my life like a mighty rushing wind and made a way out of no way, but I'll send that sweet spirit of hope in the wind.

So Good To Me
One of the things that I love about my personal relationship with the Lord, is how He deals with me.  See the more I discover what His will is, the less I try to convince others of what to do, as the heart of a people can only be changed, by the one that Created that heart...Honestly, that is how my heart and mind were changed.  Through everything that I've been through in my life, one of the things that I will never forget, is how I made it through...Not only sometimes with a scar as a reminder of where I'd been, but the fact that I didn't perish.  I know that there have been people that have sowed in tears and prayer for my life and for my soul, at moments, when all I could do, is mumble "thank ya", because there were louder things in my life. I only know this, because For many years I've had a praying spirit, but honestly have never really connected with the phenomenal reality of its fruit.  I recognized that God responds to faith and acknowledgement, and never good works, good intentions and money. (Feel that somebody)

The Children of God
This evening its been placed upon my heart to take time to send a prayer out for the following:
Those that are tired and want to give up
Those that feel that life can't and won't get any better
Those that have lost hope
to those that need help but have none
for those that are starving for encouraging words and silver linings
to the spiritually and emotionally numb
to the mentally blind
to the leaders who stopped believing
to the wayward children who are hungry for attention
to the mentors who are lost within themselves
to the relationships that are broken but meant to be
to the gifted and talented that are stuck, stifled and complacent
to the sick who've been given a time of death
to the hurting who continue to damage the lives of others
to those that believe that God doesn't love them because of who they are or where they've been
to the good stewards who have lost everything
to those that want to speak with God but don't believe that He's listening
To those that don't know or understand How good His love is
To those only see value in calling upon him during difficult times
to anyone who desires more, but believes less
to the weak, battered, abused, misdirected, mislead, etc
to our misguided youth who need direction but are discouraged because they find no real models of hope
to the parents of special needs children whose days are running together and patience thin
to anyone, anywhere who desires a closer relationship with God, but feels that they've gone too far to turn back around...

My Prayer
May the presence of God rest upon your hearts and fill you with a new Hope, may your soul open wide and may you have a conversation with God, and tell Him how you feel. May every broken and wounded thing be healed, and may you never have any more lack, all the days of your life. May your substances and gifts be fruitful and multiply, and your words be in season. May you get closer to God and begin to value your time and relationship with Him. May you become better and more fruitful in every single area of your life and may everywhere you place your feet, be blessed. May you get what you need, in its fullness and always have more than enough and prosper beyond your wildest dreams. May you have the courage to grow, and may the peace that surpasses ALL understanding be yours.

My Dearest PHAMLI,
   I pray that you receive my prayers and good intentions in their entirety.  Please know that each and every one of us has a story and need prayer. We are important to God and He feels and knows what we don't dare to speak of.  Remember that beyond all that You are, all that you have, all that makes you powerful and wonderful...You are still HIS creation and HE doesn't make mistakes...I ask that you take a moment out of your life and make time to reflect and pray. I understand this season of life and know that prayer works, even when the things that you are praying for seem to take forever, He always knows best, and everything will work together for your own good.  Today this is well with my soul...

Until Next Time

Be Well


Yahminah McIntosh

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!