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Friday, August 20, 2010

Mint Condition

I'll pour myself some tea
and think...
light some candles
and smile...
listen to something nice
and enjoy...
sit back, relax, close my eyes
and exhale...
and grant my heart the freedom to write this piece
because it can...
write with peace that is...
and now I know why I fell in love with poetry... 
yes...that's right

This is a good time for this here piece, because after all of my writing about everything under the sun, as well as love on occasion, I've never expressed anything of this magnitude in its rawness...The truth is that many times I've written out of the desire to drink Love's Dew, and enjoy its pure, innocent and sweet bite and since we never stop growing and learning, it was within this most recent growth spurt that I came to know this part of myself, more intimately...

Something that I've never really done, is write openly and personally about my heart, my love and its passion. It's not because I don't have it, am not in it, or that I am reluctant to share, but I feel that all great things are always shared in due time...I have always been over protective of my family life, because where your heart rests is like where you rest your head, you must keep them both peaceful, in tune and clear.  I believe that its mainly because, I hold, how and what I feel emotionally, at the highest regard, and as I have grown as a person, I have learned to understand, know and value LOVE on a whole different level...Over the past couple of years my writing has changed. I've allowed myself to step out on faith and onto the Potter's Wheel and into Life's Cocoon, so that I could grow, become better and receive what I needed so that I could give it back.  And although, I have so much that I am sure is going to pour out of my spirit about love today, I will share only a piece, as these affections deserve to be recorded in the pages of books...Wink!

Why Not
I realized that, after I've listened to everyone else's beautiful stories, poems and expressions of love, performed at weddings and celebrations for others, counseled some back into bliss, and joined some together, that my love would be the greatest celebration of them all. My writing has changed as I've grown, and self discovery, motivation, edification and spirituality became priorities and passions in my life, that I now understand, have helped me to arrive at a place where I understand true love at its core. Since the present is a gift, there is no better time to release the expression that is dancing around my heart and illuminating through my soul. What manner of Love is this, that you've grown into this beautiful, wonderful, awesome, living, vibrant thing...Azuelo! Raul Midion said it best Waited all my Life

Mouth Full
It's funny that back in the olden days, my elders never spoke about being in love...They would always say that they loved them some, whoever they were talking about, and would go on to describe their mate.  For a moment, I wondered was being "in love", a concept, that we as the younger generation created to describe and express the depth and intensity of our emotion. When I was a little girl, my grandmother told me that love was for grown folks, and that I wouldn't be able to understand why she smiled, clapped twice, closed her eyes and danced when she spoke of my grandfather...She said such profound things about how she felt about him after all they'd been through together and she still had the most sweetest tone about him with a fresh twist every time she would speak of him, even though he had passed on.  Sometimes, when she would speak of him, it would almost feel like he was going to walk through the front door. That kind of love was peculiar but interesting to me, and now that I am older... I UNDERSTAND
 Where there was once bitterness, hurt and pain...SHUGAH now Reigns and for the first time in my life, without a shadow of any hesitation, any measure of doubt, beyond any reasonable sense of rhetoric or sensible logic...I want to share with the universe, the PHRUIT of my Heart.....

an excerpt from

Minah Smile
Last night the moon kissed my forehead
and sent the rings of Saturn to hold me
the earth began to rise
and lost dreams found their home
underneath my pillow
the calmness and serenity that this new condition
of harmony yielded
was more than a dream
more than a fantasy
more than the hope of being in paradise...
it was more than the excitement of the thought of perfection
more than the bye and bye
it is that sweet thunder
in between the virgin's thighs
high and low
it called me, to refine me
with frankincense and myrrh in the spirit
and in the pulse of the dawn of this day
love called me by name
gathering me with Ruth
calling to the outer court, Esther & Mary
taking the bitterness that only Shug could sweeten
and the immaturity and brokenness that only God could heal
This morning the sun sent a special breeze
to wake me, scented with Brazilian strawberries
Key West Limes and Umdaliah Chocolates
and when I closed my eyes to open my spirit
to release...
The Atmosphere said, "It is Well, now Minah Smile for Me!"

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

When a good woman, is treated well, you'll know it by the glow of her skin, the energy that she sows into the atmosphere, her confident walk, her smile that lights up a room, how her eyes soften when she blinks, how she crosses her legs when she sits, the colors that she chooses to wear, what she WRITES, what she LISTENS to, how she carries herself and what she SAYS...

and excerpt from
I'm in love today
I'm in love today, and its not that puppy dog kind of love, but that sit here and wait while I go and get us some blankets in the middle of the blizzard while outside kind of love. That old, lets pack up the mansion and leave everything behind, so we can ride onto glory in 2012 kind of love, that sweet sweet mysterious, how did you get here kind of love and that I'll fire walk with you when no one else will kind of love. Ageless, nurturing, unconditional, true and free, mature, refreshing...

For the Glow
For the Smile
For the Skipping Heart Beats
For the Beautiful Moments
For the Wiping of my Tears
For bringing me Tears of Joy
For the Surprises
For the Meaningful Conversations
For the Compliments
For the Passion
For your Encouragement
For helping me carry my cross
For Enduring
For your Consistency
For the Great Times
For the Memories
For your time
For your intentions
For your prayers
For including me
For acknowledging me
For your Commitment
For your Life
For your Love
For being amazing
to your parents for making you
and God for taking you higher
Thank You

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

My Love
..You are mine,
You come from me
my soul
my spirit
my being
you were Birthed out of a Queendoms cage
the perfect rage, and storm
before my first were there
waiting to move and be used
understood, labeled better than good
you are the real truth...
Moving swiftly within the beauty of creation
understanding the laws of motion,
igniting rhythm within summer breezes and ocean currents,
and pacing time with your unique compositions
you move from the dew that settles upon the exotic flowers
sprouting from those living emotions, retreating in the amazon
along the Niles of Jordan
wrapping around the bridges that make the connections of good sense
outpouring sweet surprises where peaceful waters flow
through the caves of Yuka Menezbi
and the soft sands of the Sandara
inside of the minds of Einstein's offspring
below the raw coal covered diamonds that
rock the Garden of Eden
to the tears of joy that puddle the pearly gates
throughout the beat that fuels the dance in the latter rain
and in the smiles on the faces, of rejoicing angels
to the determination that weathers the seasons and makes them change
to the beauty in the shades of your colors that dress the reflection of life from the sun
you are LOVE...
the most amazing
and the simple engraving, that I carry as good weight in my heart
you are MY LOVE...

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

an excerpt from
Mint Condition
Sometimes a feeling will nudge you in the night
and put a pen in your hand and make you want to write
There's not enough time inside of time
to take a moment, to bow to the wind in honor of you
as many times that I'd like to
but I will...
nor are there enough languages that I could speak to express myself
throughout time, with the most sincerest form of gratitude...
you're simply the most amazing being on the face of the planet
next to the greatest one and the blessed ones
this earth, yields applause because you're growing in it
your grace is felt throughout the places that think of you
more than I, because I have you
I cherish you more than my favorite memories
that sometimes make me cry
and adore the very sound of your beating heart
that puts me to sleep, and comforts me
your love takes my pain away
you're always on my mind
and you heal me
and I'll be loving you until the end of time truly
the other whole that completes me
its true that God chose you to put me back together again
my gift, my friend, my love, my strength
and the very wind beneath my wings
You know not the depth of my love
because if you did, you wouldn't be able to stand it
and it would surely over take you
and if you heard my personal conversations
you'd join me in my Thursday morning chants
of nothing has ever felt like this, full of a thousand thank yous
and one day in this land of the living
I want to dance across calm seas with you in hand
and wishing while stars, fall so that we can catch them
and making you love, as you prepare the same for me...

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

Belazadu'm...It is with the greatest measure of humility that I send a spirit of Freedom and ability to Feel, Express and Remember the things that truly make you blush, make your heart skip beats, make you walk taller, make you feel better, make you laugh and giggle, put a smile on your face, and leave impressions upon your heart. 

Until  Next Time
Be Well

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!