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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Walking Still

If I choose to miss an opportunity within this day, that has searched for me through the toils of life's trials,

I will have to start over again without knowledge of when the next one will come, and that for me is JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH...THEREFORE, I WILL FOREVER CEASE THE DAY! thank ya

Well alright now!

...Today is a Good day, another week is coming forth and yesterday has come to an end. I've had some peaceful moments in this day and I'm back in SORTS and on my way "BACK TO THE MIDDLE"!!! I'm getting ready for my day and am finding little pieces of spirit that I hung out to dry still a little damp (we'll come back to that in a future piece ;))
This time is reminiscent of times past, where I've had my moments of jubilent laughter and smiles filled with sweet renderings from beautiful experiences I've had!

I am happy, fulfilled and satisfied, and even though I don't have everything in my life that I want, I do have all that I need. Indeed.
The more I reflect, the more I grow and this quarter of my life has been, "MORE THAN A NOTION", in more ways than one, because of all that I am learning.

My Alpha's Omega
I am often times asked questions about how I got started writing, and how and why I created PHAMLI. Believe it or not, but...One day when my heart was heavy, and when the usual things that I had been accustomed to doing to cope, no longer satisfied my pain and hurt, I picked up a pen and began to write.

Just like "Forrest Gump", one day set off on a daily run, and ran clear across the United States, just because he felt like running and turned around and had thousands running behind him, my intentions were similar. Writing and Expressing are my therapies, and I love doing both, and as I grow as a human being, I find that I have more to share!

Wo'Man Though Art Loosed!
As a woman growing up in this cold world, there are many things that you go through, and the need to heal becomes more and more important as time goes on. It's impossible to shield yourself from many tribulations that cause heartache, disappointment and pain; However, the need to survive requires you doing so, and most of us get through life the best way that we can. We develop our own coping mechanisms and personalize our own therapies to meet our needs for our ever changing seasons in our lives. I decided to live selflessly, and conquer the shyness and self-esteem issues, that I struggled with for so many years and JUST BE...ME.


It's been over a year, since I set out on this course of self empowerment and change, and I've never felt better. When I challenged myself to figure out WHO I WAS, WHAT I WANTED AND HOW I INTENDED TO GET THERE, I stepped into a FREE PLACE I call "IMANI". In "IMANI", I'm not bound by any one's ideals of what is right or wrong and I don't discriminate or practice exclusivity. In this place I found the courage to remain consistent in conveying what was on my mind. I live outside of the box and my conversations are not filled with monotonous cliches or never ending stories without an end that have no moral. As I live within my purpose, I find meaning and gratification in all that I do...

Living is What I do and Helping others is what I enjoy!
YMC - The Mediator -I decided to begin doing more relationship mediating and counseling, because often times its difficult for partners to talk to one another, and hear each other clearly. Mediating is a form of bringing two people together, to equally hear and understand the origin of their frustrations. It is also a way to help convey their needs, wants and desires, but is not meant for the long term. I am an advocate of strong and healthy relationSHIPS. I believe that through hard work, commitment, quality time and goal setting, relationSHIPS can be beautiful and fulfilling!

YMC - The Counselor & Minister - Everyone needs someone to talk to sometimes. Problem solving is not easy for everyone, and sometimes stress, tension and the pressures of life weigh so heavy on us, that we turn on ourselves, instead of tapping into the inner strengths that we've been given. I believe that wisdom is a virtue and it teaches us patience to hear and to speak. No one knows everything but God and I am not Him; However, I am a person who is here to help if I can.

YMC - The Motivator - I believe in positive thinking, and surrounding yourself with positive words and people. I believe that Faith and Motivation cometh by Hearing, and that hearing the words of LIFE, will bring about changes in people. I didn't wake up one day and say, "ok, I'm going to be a motivational speaker, that's not how it happened. I believe that your gifts will make room for you, in their own time and when your gifts are ready to be seen, they will have a positive affect on the world around you. I believe in edifying and encouraging others. Whether its a mantra, affirmation, scripture, poem or engagement, they are all relative.

I love to smile and see others happy, and I believe the sun will shine as long as I have hope to see it's light!

My Dearest PHAMLI,
I believe I can FLY! lol! Don't you! I expect my life to work for me, because I am doing my own personal best to make sure that happens. By no means does that mean all of my actions are perfect, but as soon as I fall I get back up, dust my self off and keep on going and going and going and going, because, "I can't get stuck, and I can't stop where I am, because I know that change I can." I knew it was a reason why I liked that Energizer Bunny! I wanted to write a little something to share in the interim while working on something new, just my thoughts with no other purpose in mind to bless someone else today. May your day be filled with blessings that over take you and joy that you never forget!

Until Next Time
Be Well


an excerpt from

...My travels have taken me to places
that were full of different things
where other people's tears were used to
wash the door steps that I've swept
freeing them of the pitches of their screams
I've experienced emotions not found in the English language
and acted out their translations in stages
and Disappointments that have called themselves my own
migrated to the core of my youthfulness with the
hopeful dreams of others
I've mistakenly taken breaks in life when I thought that
my invoked smile was a relief
but reality speaks louder than what is seen
and the fact is that Tuesdays only come once a week and
"Do Over", never really applied to me
my messes, good and clean now
because I'm a walking testament
to the strongest of the meek
My words now come together on this mountain
built with rock and stone by my onlookers
for all they see, I've covered with Hyssop to hide
so that I could start over again, allowing my words and my actions
to coincide...

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!