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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Overcomers (Lemon"AIDE")

A Drink on Me

Everyday is new and each opportunity beautiful! Cease the Day, Cherish the Moment and never take your own life for granted. From The USA to London to Greece and The Bahamas to Belize', much love to all of you that have supported me and that will continue to support the vision for those of us who have a MUTUAL LOVE FOR INTEGRITY & INSPIRATION!

While I prepare the next piece that I am writing that is blessing me as it develops, regarding something so sweet, special and profound, I wanted to share this piece that has been stirring in my spirit. I pray that you are blessed by the poetic short stories and pieces below and are motivated to touch someone else's life today! I Beseech you to look for opportunities in your busy lives to Uplift someone else, and maybe share whatever strength and wisdom that you have received from whatever you have experienced. I believe that When Each one of us decides to teach another one of us, we all can be lifted together and GO HIGHER AND HIGHER..


- Our life coaching "HELP MEET", our intellectual, emotional, physical and psychological, fruit producing inner strength, activated by life's experiences. Often times precipitated by the overcoming of trials and tribulations. This is our positive in all negatives and the only sensible mindset that we choose to use after many failed attempts to go forth in this world as we hold on to the past. It is the 'Aha' moment that we experience after putting on comfortable running shoes to chase after our own tails. It is the ultimate EFFECTIVE coping mechanism. It is the utilization of our many crutches to LIFE CHANGING RESOURCES! It is the Fire up under our being, when we are pushed to make lemonade out of the lemons that life give us. It is the conduit of ever changing progress that CREATES hope out of NOTHINGNESS AND HOPELESSNESS. IT IS OUR OWN LEMON"AIDE", It is how we get through the storms, go through the rough times ad come out changed for the better.

To some, it can be that interesting complexity or our drink of choice most enjoyed during Triumphant times, but it will always be our "Cleansing Punch" when we are STILL STANDING AFTER A BATTLE. It is what lies at the core of who we were created to be, MORE THAN CONQUERS, OVER COMERS and SOJOURNERS WITH A PURPOSE.

What I Believe
("Being is believing", YMC)
I believe that behind every good person there is a piece of greatness waiting in a special little box, that only they know how to open. I find this to be so true by looking at our many great peacemakers, civil rights leaders and trail blazers. They were able to find that special thing that they believed in and were willing to die for in order to bring a change. Now please understand where I am coming from...One thing that each of them had to do, was be willing to step out on faith and make specific things happen. I have seen quite a bit in my life, many of which I can never forget and alot of which I hope to never see AGAIN.
One thing that I am always amazed at is, the human beings ability to believe that a change will come, even when its black as night and there hasn't been light in a long time. Ive been at both ends of the "HOPE" spectrum and chose to become a REALIST WITH AN OPTIMISTIC VIEW. Even though its hard to face music that we don't make, I believe that we must look on the brighter side of things, even when its darkest. I believe in God and I believe that, Greater is He that's in me than he that's in the World. I am more than a Conqueror.

May you be blessed by the excerpts from the short stories and poetry below. These stories are connected the first written from the perspective of Ms Gia (the woman who was placed in D.O.C.M.I.A.'S Life to help her). The 2nd story was written from the perspective of 1 of D.O.C.M.I.A.'S children in their early 20's, and the 3rd written by D.O.C.M.I.A.'S daughter that was most affected by the destructive life that her mother had lived.)... Enjoy

D.O.C. M.I.A. (Destined to Overcome, Missing in Action)

It's a Good Friday Morning beautiphul...
bright and shine, how you doing?

I smelled what I thought was bacon,
and wanted to see what else you was cooking!

and since the door don't ever close
I didn't think I would be imposing

so I just came on in, you know as a friend
and thought I'd help you out on this beautiphul morning!

open up them blinds
and put something on your behind

wash your face, get it together
and stop complaining and whining

Oh, you look so weak, have you been to sleep?
I've been trying to help you as much as I can
but I too have my own family
I just saw my Little baby, running around here, where is she

come give me a hug, you so cute,
why is your face so dirty?

Hand me a diaper, I'll change this one,
What you mean, she's wearing the last one?

Now I understand why all night Ive been smelling pee
Oh you so precious, and girl you know this just makes me upset

I got to confess, the reason why I'm here is to help you clean up this mess
its a quarter to 7, where them babies at?
they got to be on time for school today
cuz if not, they might just get left back...

You so broken child, you act as if you ain't got no power
and the way you doing your life, make me wanna holler
did you know that, your daughter is cutting herself in the shower?
and the boys, stuffing toys at the bottom of the oven
and your oldest daughter, dirty dancing, talking about how she gonna teach the younger one
Your sons playing with guns
walking to school, showing off weapons

I'm real concerned, how this little baby get burned?
when CPS come get em all, is that when you will learn?
It ain't much you can do when you ain't tying them tubes
and don't you know that twins at the same time,
can't wear the same pair of shoes?...

That man in that room, don't care nothing about you
talking about you got company, tell me this, what do he do?
he ain't getting up for work, wearing that ole tight referee shirt
and you walking around here, with hickeys on your neck
and just made 32, still getting a SSI check
for what, didn't you just take the MCAT?
and have a degree in economics
This is nonsense, you are lazy and you need to come up out of this

Talking about how you're afraid to enter the workforce again
drinking and watching TV, hanging out with lazy friends
and the lights about to get cut off
I know you don't want to go through that again

because of what people might think of you
boo hoo, join the club
eating on a daily basis, and not struggling for nickels is whats up

Every weekend, rushing, looking for a sitter so you can go out
you have children and they need you and
you're all they talk about
as a nurse you planned and worked
but now you just scheme to make the system work
and on the first, you get an energy spurt
putting on your short skirts
with long stringy weave, and heels that got to hurt
and get an attitude when a car stops and asks if you putting in work
what do expect when you walk out the house looking like you turning tricks at church

Using food stamps as a means to get gas
because you won't take a chance to believe
that there's more to life than where you're at
even if you weren't raised better than that,
you ain't got to pay your rent by laying on your back

I know you ain't been right since your husband left
but guess what, he's on the other side of town
washing his brand new corvette
and I understand you depressed
but girl, in spite of it all YOU ARE BLESSED

Now if you want better for yourself
I can help
lets get these kids dressed
off to school
and lets get to opening up some of this mail
and you need something nice to wear
and call The House of Beauty to do your hair
because I care
and as long as I'm here
you will prosper
and that this plan, you've been working
has nothing to do with the FATHER
I know you didn't want to end up like this
and you just feel like every break you've had, you've missed
So how about this, you take a little dream break
and think about the changes in your life you'd like to see and make
while I put some clothes in the wash, and scrape Tuesdays plates
AND LET A MIRACLE take place
See I know you've been Missing In Action
and not because of drugs, but the way life had impacted
and I'm just determined to say this
that I know for a fact you're an OverComer
and Destined for greatness
and where I come from
we believe that each one teach one
and I refuse to leave behind another woman.

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

M.s. G.I.A. (My sister, God Is Able)

When I was a little girl

my momma met this lady

who would baby sit us on weekends

and make us steak and potatoes with gravy

which we loved, cuz at home my mother's boyfriend

usually ate with us,

and he would eat all the white meat

when she cooked chicken and biscuits

this lady lived downstairs

and usually wore suits, had nice glasses

and short pepper gray hair

and she was real nice too, had a husband who was a doctor

and a son that went to my school

always coming by at night when momma worked the NICU pool

and made sure we did our homework and took our baths and got ready for school

and when things got better, she still would check on us, even though we was old enough

and I remember this one time when she came by,

and got us all dressed and dropped us off at summer school in July

and she drove her van cuz our wagon had gotten stolen

and she rubbed mommas shoulder all the way, cuz she was so emotionally broken

and played some gospel music and clapped her hands when the spirit start moving

and at her house was always listening to a little jazz music

she prayed more than GRACE with us

and that's why I think momma

stopped dressing like that clown on the bus

and she began to smile more and got her hair fixed

and starting taking us to church every Sunday until she got sick

I believe that even though we had it rough, that Ms G.I.A was why we kept nice stuff

she worked long hours as a secretary

and some how made it home in time, to be a doting force when things got scary

and she helped our momma, even when she wouldn't listen

and for birthdays, graduations and holidays would get us nice gifts and

would sign mommas name on cards at the bottom

so we wouldn't be sad cuz she was always working

and even though our daddy was close but missing

we never felt a shift, because his place was filled in

and for 12 months we struggled with state help

until momma could make enough and afford the cost of living all by herself

It had been at least 10 years since we saw her

and we all had at least one child and me a grand daughter

but today even though my biological was buried away

I couldn't forget the ONE, who was responsible for most of us being saved

and she looked the same, except she was completely gray and

walked in wearing white, on a silver cane

and it was like she brought in that beautiful sunshine once again out the rain

and my sister and momma both resting in peace would have loved to see her

they would have enjoyed this blessed reunion, with this interceding peace keeper

but they couldn't be here, and I'm sad but this day has grown sweeter

because I wanted to tell her that I appreciated her, and as a child I disrespected and

made life a living hell when she would keep us

So I followed the casket, and began to walk towards the back,

and she REACHED out for me, and my brothers too in fact

and at that moment I hung my head low in shame,



and we shared a long hug, and it felt just like my first full Christmas

and she whispered, God bless you and may you know whose and who you are

and that everything you touch will be blessed and prosper

And you know I'm gonna say this, just like every morning and every night



Now that was the happiest day of my life!

In memory of Ms. "GIA " Bernadine Price (6/25/1935 - 9/11/2001)

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

Liphted (Changed for the Best)
I used to be that one that people loved to judge
who acted out, only because I struggled with self love
I would fail purposely time after time
justifying it with my selphish state of mind,
and I know it was no one's fault but mine
but yet I blamed, everyone I could
instead of standing up and doing everything I should
At times I was so angry
asking God why did HE make me
becoming a time bomb ticking gladly
welcoming those who were sad and dreary,
most of many who meant no good to me
and often found myself disrespecting
but at least I had angels in my family
and welcomed their wisdom because of all the fear inside of me
I was nothing nice
and to tell you the truth, didn't do a whole lot right
until I decided that whether or not I was guided
that I had to change some things

because I was blind sighted
and no matter what was going on outside of me
it began totally, within me
So I asked God if he would forgive me
I promised to walk straight on the road
even if it was too narrow for me
so in an instant I became free

because of what I chose to believe about me

and began building a better life for me

watching my mouth
and began putting negative people out
I began to grow stronger inside daily
and got better living with purpose then maybes
and learned how to welcome all kinds of weather
and knew that with God, I could only get better
and those who used to know me
found that I walked confident and bolder
and that my actions spoke in volumes high as the sun as I got older
and some looked at me out the corner of their eyes
thinking I was the old me and up to my same old ties
but not this time
I've changed my mind, and left everything that was not like HIM behind
because I suffered, when I lived under
the rock that kept me covered
Instead of downing me
I chose to hear what HE said about me
and that was a simple change to make
when I understood that HE didn't make mistakes
but I know now that I'm more than a conqueror
and an Over Comer and a Real Life Soldier
Whoo Ra
and If I had to do It all over again
I wouldn't do it on the Buddy System
Just me, my excuses, my complaints and reasons
that will be washed away with my new phound PHREEDOM
See, people I respect them, and when they come controlling and boxing me in
I won't let em
Because I'm happy now, and I love to smile
and I'm good at all the things that I was told I shouldn't be
and can't nobody, no where tell me more about me than ME

Yahminah McIntosh Copyright 2010

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!