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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Joiphul Love"

Many people search for that SPECIAL, UNIQUE, NATURAL, SPIRITUAL AND COMPLETELY FULFILLING CONNECTION that can be shared with another human being. Most times we make tiring visits to the Wishing Well of life, dumping emotional change, hoping for a "GOOD ONE - THIS TIME", throwing God a Thank You and an occasional High Five, with our fingers crossed, hoping for a good mate or at least some one that we can stand to look at.

Our emotional strengths, sharpened by the lessons learned from our experiences are impromptu directives given to us throughout time, from davyine sources, oftentimes tabled, and not used because of a lack of Faith. Most times we do not utilize our spiritual resources to enhance our situations and relationships, let alone remove those things that aught not to be there, that we don't have the strength to remove.

I believe that there is definitely something wrong with leaving God out of the most important aspects of our lives. Too many times have I seen the negative affects that the constant picking up of baggage and garbage along life's trail way, and calling it "Beautiful", eventually ends up stinking really bad, getting on our nerves, and causing us to take 6 steps backwards, and put us through unnecessary changes, that yield no positive results.

We must understand that healthy relationships are ones that most times are lasting. They are not casual random experiences that we get our selves into because we think that they are good ideas. A good relationship, coupled with wisdom, understanding, potential, hard work and growth, will be one that will be hard to break, no matter what happens. I know this to be true.

I believe in prayer, because it definitely works and have faith in God because HE is REAL! I believe that if we paid more attention to ourselves and knew:
who we were, what we wanted, how we wanted it, why we wanted it, and who we wanted, we would be better equipped to be good stewards of the blessings we've prayed for that God has given us.


Many times, we walk around becoming "Habitual Break Up Artists", moving with emotional swiftness and restriction without change. We say we want something, but do little about achieving those emotional and spiritual goals that we dream about.

I believe its only smart to begin to look deep within to find the origin of the pain that rides our emotional roller coasters. I believe that if God is made "The Pilot" of our relationships and placed at the center, we wouldn't constantly find ourselves broken, wandering about and wondering why that full and accomplished thing has ended. Now I am speaking of a relationship that involves that very essential and important feeling of LOVE. It is that relationship that has the potential to becoming that beautiful diamond in the rough (in some cases renewed and again) that no one else would pick up, but often times presents itself clean but doesn't show the other side that is covered with coal dust.

Now behold Your Diamond, for it is precious, but don't forget that it doubles as a priceless prism when hit on a certain angle by the sunlight.

I've found that with every great Emotionally Charged Character Building Experience, a realization and need for change will always follow. Once the lessons have run their course, its up to you to apply them. The hardest thing to do is to make a decision to love the same as you always have and make no positive changes, love hard without regret and be open, love unselfishly and intentionally, or walk away wondering what could have been. You make the decision as to what value you place on moving forward in your current relationship and life for that matter, you make the distinction between staying and weighing the truth against the grain in YOUR LOVE'S CORE.

This does not only apply to a troubled, stressed, threatened or damaged relationship, but to the healthiest of unions, because an opportunity to grow and go higher and love deeper will present itself and the choice you make is most important and in most cases conducive to the progression of your involvement.

is characteristically identified as a "Romantic Love" birthed out of a deep connection, that lords over any physical, mental, and emotional crossing that two individuals together share. It is a love that has lived in myths for years, is strong and transfers intentionally from one human being to another. It is able to weather storms, sicknesses, trials, tribulations, tragedies, etc...
"It is the tickle in relief's, unbound kiss", It is a very real, most beautiful and present type of love, grounded in the weight of an unconditional limitless PHEELING, precipitated by the evolving nature of one's being with the complete respect for and understanding of God's Agape Love.

It is adequate and fitting to its heirs and embraces the descriptions found in the book of 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8. It is amazing, and does not always ride oceanic waves with energetic butterflies but it is always present. It is that love that welcomes the opportunity for redemption and has the ability to transform lives and mend hearts.

I have watched many shy away from the bold outward expression of Faith because of undisputed myths that many have not had the courage to go against, and one of them being that God doesn't love all people. Child please, we will discuss the promises of God that belong to ALL who believe. These promises don't only belong to those who conveniently struggle with the "GOD COMPLEX" when they feel like being righteous but also to those who have a sincere desire in their heart to experience God's love and become a better person. Really!

My dearest PHAMLI,
I pray that you understand the depth of what I have written above. My desire is for you to grow in your relationship and become complete as you experience the PHRUIT of what you both sow together as 1.

Writting this piece was most exhilarating for me, because it gave me the opportunity to express how Faith in GOD has been a life changing PHORCE for me. I believe in the blessing and POWER of "Joiphul Love" and have been granted the opportunity to experience its PHRUIT. When you have REAL LOVE IN YOUR LIFE, THERE IS NO WHERE TO GO BUT UP!
Until Next Time

Be Well

Yahminah McIntosh

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful

It was written at the PHOUNDATIONS of the earth that You were Created Beautiful
and are Destined for Greatness! Live your Fullest Life.

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to

The Awesomeness, in this day is that you have the opportunity to
correct, yesterdays mistakes! Yahminah McIntosh



Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed

Dare To Dream, Believe you Will Succeed
and Never Stop at Good, Keep Getting Better and know YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST!